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A 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation

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Your privacy is our mandate.

The Ozarka College Foundation is committed to ensuring the privacy, confidentiality, and security of those who visit and make donations on our website. This statement describes our information collection practices and explains how we use and protect your personal information. This statement applies specifically to information collected by this website.

Credit Card Information

To ensure that credit card information is secure and electronic payments are processed safely and efficiently, we use a secured site to protect your online donation.

Other Personally Identifiable Information

To make an online gift, we require you to provide your full name, address, and email address. You may also choose to provide additional information. You may elect to receive email from us and you may opt out of receiving email alerts by checking the appropriate box on any alert. This website will not sell or transfer such information to any third parties except (i) to the extent necessary to authorize third parties such as the secured site to process the transaction you are authorizing and to use the necessary information needed to perform their functions and (ii) on select occasions to authorized vendors for the purpose of offering services to alumni. In all such cases we require the third parties to agree not to sell or transfer the information. In addition, we may disclose personal information when we have a good-faith belief that disclosure is required by law. Ozarka College and Ozarka College Foundation may use the information you provide to update your contact information and to maintain contact with our alumni.

Publication of Donor Names

The names of all donors may be included in materials such as honor rolls, annual reports, and other appropriate publications, in both print and electronic formats, unless otherwise requested by the donor. Donors who have made gifts to the Foundation via bequest or other testamentary device are deemed to have granted such permission unless otherwise specified in the gift instrument or other document.

Links to Other Sites

This site contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. We encourage you to be aware of the privacy policies of such sites.

Updates to This Privacy Policy

We may make changes or additions to this policy at any time and will post the changes on this web page.

Contacting the Website

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, please contact

Your use of this site constitutes your understanding of, and agreement to, the terms of this policy.

Ozarka College Foundation

218 College Drive
Melbourne, AR 72556


Request Information

Image of Killian

April Killian
Director of Development
Image of Wilson

Dr. Josh Wilson
VP of Advancement

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